
He's Newty And You're Not

He be thinking about a run for the big house. Newty gonna let every one know next year about that. Big ass is very "serious".What a prick!

A couple turds from Newty's mouth.

"I think he will replace Jimmy Carter as the worst president of modern times," 

"He is a disaster," Gingrich said of Obama. "His principles are fundamentally wrong. The people he appoints are more radical than he is and less competent."

Bama is supposed to move to the center to get along. No shit really .

Newty said he wasn't worried that his comments would turn off moderate voters. At a time when the economy remains fragile, Americans want results and aren't worried about personality, he said. 

Day in day out this is the message America receives in some form on any given issue. Yes there are some pieces from the other viewpoint but not anywhere close to the numbers that lean to the right. And then there's Fox News that has the ability to manipulate opinion of the nation quickly. It's like playing baseball except the other teams gets to start each inning with men on first and second and every batter has a 2-0 count to start.

Will a dim call out this slug for his bull shit or will you see a response from our side all over the place like you are going to see Newty's mug with this nonsense. No you'll not see much of either if any at all. Our side chooses not to fight very hard and the media favors the right.

This is not news but propaganda.


  1. Newt is a winner all right. What short memories people have of him having to leave office in disgrace.
    Your right, no one will call him on it. The mouth that roared will undoubtedly be able to continue.

  2. I like your new Header; the flowers are stunning!

    Look, since I don't live in America I'm not familiar with your local names: Newty, Fox news etc...
    I'm also not interested in the personality of Obama. He's probably not much better or worse than the others.

    But I'll say this: Obama is the first president whose election puts America in a real danger of a civil war.

    The Democrats have gone too far by electing an african and muslim as president of a nation which is mainly european and christian in its source. And I'm afraid that won't be forgotten.

  3. Of course he's credible because of the whore media Tim.

    It's all about race Duta every issue the right has brought up hinges on that. They'll never admit it but look at the signs and rhetoric from the tea baggers and yes they want conflict. This is now the republican party.

    This is America Duta and any person of any color back round or ethnicity is eligible to become president if he meets the fairly simple requirements and I support that 100%. Obama is not Muslim.

  4. The flower pictures have been fun too look at for sure. Thanks for that!
