
How's That Work'in Out For Ya In Iraq

Pretty damn swell for our guys and that's as it should be finally. For Iraqi's it's the shits. Death and mayhem plenty.

Care to read the rest of the terror people experience on a daily basis go here. Plenty to peruse. 

It wasn't like this before the invasion perpetrated by a few all reasons based on pure lies.

The death and destruction carried out on a daily basis is our legacy.

I don't give a shit what any body says Iraq is a failure and the ones responsible should swing like Saddam did.

My offer of pulling the trip rope on these monsters who did this remains open! 


  1. Keep your eyes on Muqtada Al Sadr.

  2. Where's that boy been. He's a player for sure. This ain't over by a long sight.

  3. Chatter has it that he has been in Iran studying to become an Ayatolla.
    If he gets those credentials he will have even more pull. I think his party got 27 seats in parliament. Yet Biden snubbed his people. Huge mistake on Biden's part. Al Sadr is sticking with his plan that ALL foreign troops MUST leave Iraq.

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