
Is It Fair To Blame Junior For This Too?

I like dogs very much and almost always get along real good and have a lot of fun. I do not own one.

This dog I saw yesterday does not want to be friends so don't attempt to pet.

These are the dogs at issue.

These animals revert to their basic animal instincts and this is out of control when there are as many as this.

People have been attacked and yes something had to be done. There are enough guns around and I wonder why these numbers got so high but they did. Some would say that they should have been rounded up and disposed of humanely but I think in this case that is not practical.

I have blamed Bush and rightfully so for all the deaths in Iraq from the beginning of his lies to now and including any others who die in the future.

I sure as hell don't want to hear about thousands of pooches being shot either. Killer Bush gets a slight pass on this but still bears some responsibility as this situation should never have been allowed to reach these levels when some civility returned to Baghdad society.


  1. This is something I never gave a thought too. I feel bad about that.
    Of course they have to be put down but in a humane way as you said.

  2. Using a gun can be just as humane as anything else in situations like this. I just don't want to hear anybody bitching here in the States that these dogs aren't being trated well. I might just lose it.
