
Kerry Is The One Who Is Meaningless

Don't give a shit what he's done in the past and where was this man when needed to fight the Bushes. He was kind of there but gave up and conceded like a good dim does. How stupid was he back then? I think he's dumber now.

I despise this guy and he is another example of why term limits are needed. Kerry loves war and death now that he's a biggy in government. Not so much back in the days before he became a war whore.

How things change. People like this man could make the difference we need to see right now.

But he'll do nothing like all the rest! 


  1. compared to who he was during the 60's, John Kerry, the geezer, is a fucking embarassment...

    THIS was the man that helped organized the Winter Soldier hearings... now he denies other veterans the light of day...

    i swear, he's the micheal jackson of the left... every year he just got whiter and cornier until he left us with a corpse we're all supposed to be pretend we're impressed by

  2. The idea that senators deserve respect because they are just that is a bunch of bullshit. I saw this a was just pissed off quickly. He needs his ass thrown out now!

  3. neo-lib, neo-con, the difference is basically in spelling

  4. That's for damn sure Mont and in present day the baggers want to insure we get more of the same. After all a little belly pain makes you sharp in school ya know.

  5. Kerry was a coward during his campaign.
    He could have and should have fought the outcome.
    But he decided it was more comfortable inside a bottle of Heinz 57.
    I have absolutely no respect for this cretin at all. IMO HE IS A NON ENTITY. He is null and void and should be treated as such. Just another fucking sell-out.

  6. There is no one that I know who wants to hear a damn thing about this fucking quitter. You/we are correct. No different than a crazy bagger in respect to the media like them Kerry is given credibility where there should be none. "ol fucking horseface"

  7. The older I get, the more my balls shrink One Fly. There comes a time in every man's life all he has left is an empty sack. Kerry's sack was nearly empty in 2004. It's now nothing but a shriveled up piece of uselessness.
