
Major News On Our Third War Front

Now there are submarines to be worried about according to the DEA. Like this one that can/could transport tons and tons of cocaine directly to individuals personal boat slips around our country.

Without watchful eyes this craft could enter the Mississippi and deliver it's hideous cargo to the heartland and we would be unaware because of it's stealth capabilities ya see.

There is no way the craft in this picture given it's size is going to carry tons and tons of anything. This is written to reinforce to the stupids that we have a real threat on our hands concerning our third war front and we must carry on the battle of absurdity at all cost.

Stop the madness!


  1. When will our leaders have the courage to declare this "war" a lost cause? If the Repugs are looking for an easy place to liposuction fat out of 'big govt', the massive anti-drug infrastructure would be a great place to start!... and even they probably wouldn't have too many qualms about moderately taxing the product, sold in licensed drugstores.
