
Meet Mommy

Had never seen this before. Sitting outside and this weird looking spider came buy. There was going to be a picture for sure and when I flicked him so he wouldn't get in the grass several dozen little bitty ones fell or dropped off. This is borderline gross and I don't think we could ever be friends so most did not survive.


  1. Looks like something that could be a star on one of those old Sci Fi movies out of the 50's.

    Those type of critters will be around a long time after the human species has moved on.

  2. OMG!!!! That is terrifying!!! Is it a tarantula?? I know Colorado has them walking around like we have grasshoppers, YIKES!

  3. The babies stay on the momma's back I know that. Ugly for sure though.

  4. Like roaches,carp and ticks.

    This is a wolf spider and the body of this was not that big.

    Ugly and just strange.
