
A Nice Thing Happened

Recently I was contacted by Holte Ender and asked to be a contributor on Mad Mikes America. Never been asked to do that so this was pretty cool and of course I accepted.

My first post is here and it is the video about climbing to the ruin in the sky that my friend and I did back in March that was seen here as well.

Thank you Holte and Mike for giving me the opportunity to contribute to a site I spend a bunch of time at anyway.

So if you haven't been over to Mikes do so and chances are good you'll like what you see.


  1. Damn they must be desperate. LOL
    Really congrats..there a good group over there and I'm sure you'll fit in just fine.

  2. Thanks Tim and I was thinking the same thing.

  3. Glad you could come over Fly.
