
Our Country Needs A Clue On Solar

Well here's a good example right here.

An experimental solar-powered plane completed its first 24-hour test flight successfully Thursday, proving that the aircraft can collect enough energy from the sun during the day to stay aloft all night. The project's overarching purpose is to test and promote new energy-efficient technologies.

We need a massive program in alternative energy sources,R&D and their implementation that will create long term decent paying jobs.

We sure as hell have a massive ongoing effort on weapons systems but that's a given because of our love affair with war and death because god told us that it is good.

Whether it's solar or other issues our government needs and should make intelligent decisions for the future of our country and the planet. We need this now not later.

If anyone thinks this congress or the ones after this one are going to achieve real historic legislation so badly needed you are living an illusion.

We will get nothing from these people.

What we will get is less but will get more war.

There is the possibility the gusher could change some priorities but I'll only believe that if it happens.


  1. As soon as they can figure out how to charge us for sun shine.
    That is when solar will be spread around the country.

  2. That's so funny and just as true.

    How come I don't think like that.
