
Outta Here

Headed to the ranch as soon as I get done banging this out hopefully to meet up with Strudel Boy where we will attempt a couple videos. One is at a volcano in New Mexico the other at a massacre site in Colorado on the way there and it's not Sand Creek but would like to see that sometime soon as well.

It's 300 one way and I know some don't like driving but not me. It's like going to the movies and that means Nebraska as well. I have taken this drive probably a 150 times and I do not tire of it as it has to be one of the most impressive one can take in this country.

I will not be around the internets until I get back Sunday sometime. Have a fun and safe weekend everyone!!


  1. Have an enjoyable, safe trip!

  2. Sounds like a great adventure..
    That's how to live life..enjoy my friend..

  3. Enjoy it and come back with lots of bounty.


  4. Hi friends-Thanks and it will be a bit but I/we did come away with a few things. Now I gotta go to work very soon here.
