
Say It Ain't So Old Joe

But he did the dumb shit and he say's Bama thinks the same thing that the Baggers are "not a racist group". Seriously how fucking dumb are you and why in the hell do you want to lose to these imbecillian bastards who want to rip the very guts out of programs that people fought and died for. You must be damn near fucking nuts to say such stupid shit.

Why do I have to explain this to you. You may be partially correct but what you say Joe is that you demand from the Baggers a commitment to tell their followers not bring racist signs to their events that they do all the time
These people are racist and even a dummy can see that. It's that easy and when they don't do that and the signs keep coming which they will then you really have some ammunition for calling the racist bastards out for what they are.

And the gusher is leaking. This is bad shit folks.

Headed to work and the real world right now and try to get something up soon from the weekend. Later-
By the way Palmer can make up new words -so can I and mine is imbecillian.


  1. The baggers pander to the bigots, homophobes and idiots. Seeing as how they are a creation of the republican party that is no surprise. It's really a clever idea if you think about it. Get tea baggers to rally the shitheads so the republican party under the token Michael Steele has deniability.

    Evil geniuses these bastards are.

  2. Never have the dims pulled off anything as clever at least from what I remember. Too polite I suppose. Meanwhile the country changes course to one of the less educated that believes the unbelievable because they are told to do so and they do. Plus throw a bit of hate in there and wa la shazam you have a new direction of stupidity to take us into the future.

  3. I've been to a few of these teabagger get togethers. They're racist alright.

    The crack in the sea floor is 2 miles away from the Well. The pressure has dropped substantially in the Well.
    This is what I've been writing about and it sucks.
