
Terrorists On The Move In Colorado

We have to understand that many don't think what was said below is having an impact. Rhetoric from our side is that people like this on the right are just too extreme so credibility just isn't there. Very bad judgment to think that. Don't believe it then check this out.

As possibly expected we're talking a Fox News she bitch and one of the best of contemporary bigots Herr Whore Tancredo himself. A couple quotes from the article and the rest of it is full of the same.

Moochers is the new word.
Malkin said the real threat to America was an America full of moochers. "It's not merely that we have the corruptocrat-in-chief sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania with his team of Chicago thugs, it's that we have too many people who see no shame in waiting for the state to deliver them everything from cradle to career to grave," Malkin said.

Bigot boy throws out the fear card.
"We are the last hope of Western civilization — this country," Tancredo said. "Europe has been Islamicized."

Malkin as well.
Malkin said the government has a duty to protect the states from invasion.

It works and they played this message to a packed house.

At the end of August Rover himself will be here along with others to do more of the same. This is going on all over and along with Fox believe it or not momentum is building.



  1. Back in the day when I worked at the Post, the reporter would have quoted the number of people in attendance. Kind of indicative of the shift in journalism today.

    Interesting piece and love the photo at the top.

  2. I guess you can say anything and no one calls you on it. Real media should do a line by line truth test.
    Spend the money and get it to all the people.
    The media seems content to just let it pass and because these people are never challenged the lemmings believe the hate speech.

  3. Thanks Leslie and Tim.

    It kills me what people say and then are not called out on it. As a dem how can you sit there and take this shit without speaking out?

    I took that picture about 8 or so in the morning where I work but was not at work, Looking at them this one stuck out immediately.

    I think there are more columbines out than ever before. A place notorious for putting up big #s literally there are thousands upon thousands. I want to take a picture of every one of them. I've tried to capture that but haven't yet. Take another close look at them from Saturday as well.

  4. Malkin is a scum of the earth bitch!! Wow such ignorant filthy talk, but look at the audience of clapping idiots who soak this filth up! Sickening!

  5. First we lost a sense of the common good, then we lost our compassion. :(
