
There's Gonna Be A Study In The Gulf

You betcha there is and I can not help but to be a real sarcastic smart ass here.

One doesn't need no study and the answer is simple. Oil and life cycles of plants and animals do not mix so the answer is-

It's gonna fuck'em up very bad if not kill everything.



  1. Next they'll have to study why the sky is blue...

  2. I just saw two major spelling errors and didn't even see them until just now. I must be really tired.

    Another lame dick article that means absolutely nothing.

  3. Check out Bloomberg.com.

    In the same headline list, they will have one take that everything is great. 2 lines down they will tell you everything is fucked.
    This nonsense is fed to the peeps on a daily basis.
    American news out lets are nothing more than a massage table for the sheeple before the slaughter.

  4. It's great that they are doing this study, but how do you put a price on the wreckage of an entire ecosystem so we can have BP foot the bill?

  5. WTF kind of study does it take to look at it and multiply 140 million times guaranteed death for all life there in and out of the sea?

    We had a 190000 gallon spill here 50 years ago and the infected area is still dead except for a couple stunted fiddler crabs that can not go under the sand as they smell the oil 3" down.

  6. It's a good idea. It might provide some information that will be useful for mitigating the effect the next time there's an oil spill. And yes, there will be a next time.

  7. The whales and dolphins are getting the hell out there as best they can. What else is there to know? When an animal consumes poison, it dies. That's about it. What they should be doing is designing a better system to prevent these spills. We know what happens to life forms that consume poison. No guesses there.

  8. I got a study for them, study why it is people get screwed and the planet get screwed and these assholes still want to drill baby drill. They can study my ass for all those's studies do.
