
Was It Task Force 373 ??

You know Task Force Kill and Not Be Caught or Held Accountable

Remember how this country  made a point in targeting journalists. We hate them when the ones with all the big guns fear getting called out for war crimes.

My point is simple. When there is no oversight and you have any number of party's whose job is to kill people assigned to them how do you know it wasn't them. Seriously just how the fuck do ya know?

It's worse than ever before and any person who has the power to stop it will not do so.

And the bigger question is have they or are they performing missions inside this country. When you take a country to war on the lies of a few and that policy is supported by new people all cards are on the table!

We are so screwed!


  1. The Afghan Wikileaks will make the Pentagon Papers during Nam look like a Alice in Wonderland. The shit is gonna hit the fan big time.

  2. I saw that about El Aribiya but knowing this breakdown Bush started is barely beginning I let it go so thanks. I am going to do another update soon but we are out in fighting force in September and it will devolve into total civil war and the entire middle east will be embroiled thanks to Bush and he knew it before he ignored all warnings and attacked to get into the middle east to help Israel and "fix" the middle east as God told him to.

  3. Yeah, fight them there so we don't have to fight them here.
    What a crock of shit we were handed.
    Your right Man, we are so screwed.
