
What Can I Say

This time of year just get run down at times and the chair got me early last night so there's not much to add today except that Monkeyfister is the go to man on top of the gusher that is for damn sure. Was able to get some new stuff up at the Picture Place and that post is on signs. Politics continues it's slide into the crapper and divisions between factions widens as we near November. We are almost through seven months of the year. OH MY !


  1. Republicans are now going to have their tea party caucus and the leaders embrace it but conveniently do no sign on, I hate this crap!

    Nice picture of the chick but too bad you touched it unless you successfully raise it.

  2. It was either that or the cats were going to get it. Mama Flycatcher was close by and was bringing food so it made it I'm pretty sure.

  3. I know, I hate that. If it is on the ground and can not fly before night fall it's dead.

  4. The dems are dropping the Comprehensive energy bill.
    No cap and trade. Reid said they do not have the votes.

    Bernanke says to stimulate the economy we should keep the tax cuts for the rich in place.

    Any one wanna bet a cyber $ that they do keep the tax cuts in place? I say they will.

  5. I have to say they will keep them in place. The ones in charge will tell them to do so and they are the rich ones and they demand our money.

  6. I like the new photo blog, One Fly.

    Have to agree with RealityZone on the tax cuts. If it's good for the rich, these Democrats can find the votes.

  7. RE: "and they demand our money. "

  8. Bastards want a lot of my shit they have no right to RZ. It's okay with some but not me.

    Thanks Cujo and why don't you do one too. It's fun and not politicky as Nunya would say.

  9. Chicks man I dig them...Sorry left over from your last post. eeearrr
