
Another Maybell Helper Plus A Real Stumper

A feel good message for all the travellers passing through Maybell. Feel better??

But it's this one that has me really confused. Found this in Rangely  and I tell you if this was on the highway in Maybell there would have been mayhem all over the place with people trying to cypher this out and drive the speed limit at the same time.

I'm serious-can someone explain this to me please.


  1. They speak in Forked tongue.
    Like Yogi Berra used to say==
    if you come to a fork in the road, take it.

  2. W.T.F. is an [orgon donor]? ? ?

  3. I looked at that several times and missed it. This is right down Fearguth's alley.

  4. I believe that the second sign is a reference to Matthew 6:26.

    "Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"

    It goes on to say stop worrying about clothing and shelter and whatnot, because God will provide. You know, if Christians would actually follow this advice more, I think there'd be a hell of a lot less Christians on the planet. Which would probably be a good thing.

  5. Ano-thank you!

    Even back in the god days they could have force me to recite this many times and it still would not have stuck.

  6. Ah yes.
    But our Emperor has no clothes.
    What shall we do?
    What shall we do?

  7. Maybe it's a SIGN of the times we live.

    I'd move! ;)

  8. Free birdseed forever! We can spend the rest of our days pretending we are baseball players and sit around spitting sunflower hulls all day. Whoopee!

  9. Actually I found the Maybelle sign encouraging, if misspelled:

    orgone |ˈôrgōn|
    (in the theory of Wilhelm Reich) a supposed sexual energy or life force distributed throughout the universe that can be collected and stored (in an orgone box) for therapeutic use.

  10. You know in a way I don't blame the people who go to places of worship [gathering] because there is security in numbers and all they are seeking is some level of security. What bothers me is that they all show up at a place where the guy running it earns a living for him and his family [in most cases] and the more the meeting place takes in the more he might make down the road. Yes they seem different to you and I but they do it for a reason, insecurity!
