
Call It What You Want

Massacre,butchery,slaughter or any other number of descriptive words or phrases for the 10 killed in Afghanistan. Another can be added to that list and that is inevitable!

They weren't preaching-all they were doing is helping-some had done this many times and on and on. The other side says it ain't so. Don't make squat bit of difference. Get so tired of the shock factor from so many. Yea it sucks you bet it does.

So and so was such a nice person and loved by all which can be said for all of them I'm sure. Being a nice person and helping others means nothing in this instance or in so many other examples from other country's where the same has happened.

You're probably a super person yourself and have many of the same quality's of these unfortunate people. I'd like to think of myself as a nice guy too.

But I tell ya something right now and that is if I made the choice to visit this particular country for whatever the reason would be even if it was to just say hi all bets are on the table and understood that chances are pretty good I may never return.

We are not welcome in Afghanistan. We will never be welcomed in Afghanistan. We have been killing innocents there for over a decade.

This is the kind of shit that happens when you occupy another country and kill at will. If ever we leave things like this will stop but until then don't act so surprised.

From my buddy Russ - "Stop the Madness"

My heartfelt condolences to the family's of those slain.


  1. Yeah, A damn shame for sure.
    The leader of the group is near me,about 35 miles I guess. Nice Guy from what I hear. I don't think people should be going there for whatever reason and good intentions.
    Sorry, I just don't. I guess this group has been going there for a number of years. Things change...

  2. These people and all the others that do the same thing they're so fucking special and know so goddamn much that they feel this mind fucked urge to make every one just like they are.

    It's really simple once you get your mind right-know what I mean!!
