
Can't Get Your Tire Changed Right Away Then Kill

Since the previous post was about a low-life killer here's another one about an 18 year punk who killed a service worker at a tire store.

This man had no way to protect himself and the punks old man was there as well. Our society is seriously fucked up and if you click the link to the article there is reference to another sick bastard who killed his kid in this small town just north of Colorado Springs.

I volunteer to pull the trip rope on this piece of shit human who kills because he can't get his probably bald ass tire fixed quick enough to suit him. 


  1. Fly, I have to think that the increase in such senseless behavior is symptomatic of the depth of social dysfunction due to huge inequities.

  2. It's the heat! Think what it's going to be like aa the temperatures get hotter and hotter. Of course a little depravity plays a part.

  3. Young guy plays video games that inoculate them from the killing, watching on the teevee that there are those who get millions in pay and when they fuck up get away from their crime based on their income. They believe they will never get to the million income point just give up and want to be like the millionaires and seek power at the end of a gun. Go to jail with 3 hots and a cot and s great story to tell their new friends inside our penal system.

  4. Too many out of work-too many who don't want to work and don't. Sit around and get nothing but more stupid. Indocrinated by the tube and AM radio. Plenty of guns -tempers shortened by the heat and the fact many who live in this country simple fucks and wa la there you have it.

    Look the fuck out if the economy ever got really bad.

  5. Hmmm Did TC say the guy was pissed cause he had a little dick or a bald tire. lol

    I don't know why people are so damn screwed up, I just know they are.
    One fly, your idea might be the right one.
