
Civic Duty

Yup it's jury duty and the phone call last evening tells me I gotta show at 8am sharp. Years ago I was called for what was a fairly important trial. Not enough jurors showed so the trial was cancelled. The judge was pissed to say the least and what he did was stick around and bull shitted with us about responsibility as a citizen and told stories. It was wide open and a lot of fun. I bet I was there for two hours as were some others because it was just plain good stuff. We'll see if I'm selected today. Several years ago I was supposed to show and it was this time of year when it's so busy and I just plain spaced it. I felt so bad. I'm prepared today and have clean clothes along but must go to work first.

Another thing is that I have been having computer problems that I hope will be solved today as it's getting rebuilt. I don't have access to my new pictures and had planned this week to make a couple short movies of what I saw and did last weekend. They are coming sooner than later.

Gotta run have a good one everybody!


  1. Well good luck with JD. Hey it might be interesting.

  2. Funny Tom but that was my experience every single time i had jury duty. Good luck with those movies your stuff is always a pleasure to watch.

  3. I was on the Grand Jury every single quarter. Foreman twice. The 4th time they called me, I promised to do everything I could to bring it to a grinding halt.

    They never called again, but I was real leery of driving around in the county after that. Usually did my shopping and what not somewhere else :)
