
Gubernatorial Candidate Dan Maes Opens Yap Again

Every time he does some pretty stupid shit comes out of it.

If elected, he would lay off 2,000 state employees "just like that," despite the fact that many of those terminations could be prohibited by state laws and rules.

The simple fuck went on to say-

He also said he would ignore federal law and let energy companies drill even if the Interior Department tried to stop it. "If (Interior Secretary) Ken Salazar doesn't like it, he can come see me in Denver," Maes said.

This is the mentality of these people where ever they may be running for office. Some will get elected and if the time would ever come where enough are in office don't turn your back because the next thing they'll be coming after is you and they don't need  a reason except that they can.


  1. Ya see they have the Dems by the balls. Why? Because were polite. That's why we were shouted down last year at every event. What do we do in response, we have fucking coffee parties. That's why guys like this jerk off can even get a footing. We let it happen. Cause we don't make a fuss. We discuss things. When monsters like Rush and Beck spew hate, we just say Tish Tish. We believe people when they hear such dribble will know what the Monsters are all about. We've had that policy since the days of the Jelly bean President. Guess what, it's not working. When Sarah and Guys like this are running everything we'll still be shaking our heads and feign anger to each other. Then we'll go on being polite. We get what we deserve.

  2. Damn straight we get what we deserve Tim!

    Screwed is what bit is too.

  3. I think the Dem is im pretty good shape in that race, because the Republican and the Teabagger are both idiots.

  4. I wish I shared the optimism you and so many others have TC.
