
Gulf Reality

A powerful report from Dahr Jamail on the state of affairs in the gulf. Saying waters are open for fishing,shrimping and what not does not change the horror of what's happened there.

IPS watched Miller and Stewart conduct eight tests in various places around Mississippi Sound. One of them was less than a quarter mile from the mouth of Pass Christian Harbor, and another was less than one mile from a public beach. Every single test found the absorbent rags stained with brown oil.

  “Why would we lie about oil and dispersant in our waters, when our livelihoods depend on our being able to fish here?” Miller asked IPS. “I want this to be cleaned up so we can get back to how we used to live. But it doesn’t make sense for us or anyone else to fish if our waters are toxified. I don’t know why people are angry at us for speaking the truth. We’re not the ones who put the oil in the water.”

I said that I wasn't ever going to the south because of various stereotypical reasons but this winter I may have to go down here and see for myself just what the hell is going on-seriously!


  1. I was too pissed to say anything yesterday when I read this - I just sent the link to some buds.
    Still pissed today but managed to send a note to a couple of my U.S. "reps."
    Fat lot of damn good it'll do.

  2. I like Dahr and had not been reading because his updates were going to an old address. Not now. He's the only blogger I know of down there. I want to read stories from bloggers like myself and those I link to.
