
It's Not Just Humans

But dogs as well get hurt mentally by what goes on in war.

A military veterinarian diagnosed with her post-traumatic stress disorder — a condition that experts say can afflict dogs just like it does humans.

Well imagine that. The dog is getting treatment and is doing better. That's nice.

Can we leave now and not later??


  1. Dogs get depression as well. Obama needs to save us trilions of bucks and bting all troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan.

    But that fucker won't.

  2. Obama forgot that most of those who voted for him did so to end these wars.

  3. I fucking hate time warner sorry.
    I tried commenting 3 times. Not your fault but id there a cloud in the sky time warner quits.
    Okay Obama is doing exactly what he said he would. We just didn't listen.
    Now it's time for him to listen to us, the rabble that put him in there.
    Like some wise people before me said,
    get us the fuck out of War. All Wars. Even the ones their planning now.

  4. Okay maybe next time I'll wear my glasses..lol

  5. Ask a dog to do crazy things and of course the dog goes crazy as a result.

  6. Yea bama kinda forgot that now didn't he.
