
Outta Dodge In Afghanistan

Meaning the Dutch are going home starting yesterday.

Next year it will be the UK and Canada. The Netherlands lost 24 of their best with 140 wounded for a cause that was long ago lost.

Lately on the so called "news" the term used is coalition forces as expected. What a bunch of bs as by far the majority of those fighting and dieing are American.

It's a way to get the dummy's here to think that over 40 countries are totally behind our "War on Terror". Nothing could be farther from the truth.


  1. Going Dutch = Getting the Hell Out of Afghanistan!

  2. The Dutch are a bit smarter when it comes to war. They've seen it first hand that is invasion. Kinda like Afghannystan and the US.

  3. That was Bush's coalition. Obama will have to make his own coalition, if he wants one.
    Anyway, it's interesting to know how the Ducth account for their retreat from Afghanistan.

  4. The Dutch are saner than we are apparently.
