
Pigs Hormones And Drugs

This is an excellent article on the way hogs could be raised just as crops could be raised if we demanded it instead of allowing corporations determine what we eat.

State Center, Ia. - The Obama administration would like to see more hog farmers raising hogs the way the Hilleman brothers do - using fewer antibiotics.

You have to use antibiotics early there's not much choice because these animals can and do die in huge numbers. What these operators are doing is stopping the use of them 100 days out from slaughter. They can be marketed as "antibiotic free" and places want their meat because the Berkshires are valued by chefs at high-end restaurants because of the hogs' fatter, darker meat.

Yea no shit it tastes like pork used to taste like and the Chinese don't want our pork as much either.

I don't buy much pork unless there's a bit of fat because if you don't have a some there is literally no flavor unless it's marinated.


  1. I don't buy pork at the supermarket because it tastes just like the chicken they sell which is kinda like styrofoam packing peanuts cooked in chicken flavored fat.

  2. Good post!
    Outstanding photo!
    How can I get a copy?

  3. It really is tough to raise anything vegetable or animal natural I went to an Aggie raised and slaughtered everything. I grow natural veggies and it requires a lot more effort thus more expensive.

    Funny but they use to raise pigs to be fat. Today leaner is the goal. I like a little fat as you know too lean is flavorless that is why I will never understand buying 93% lean hamburger or anything else for that matter.

  4. All meat has changed you guys and it's not very flavorful at all. Give me a 70% lean burger anyday.

    My brother has a big garden going and got big bucks in it and that's only for basics.

  5. I am growing more and more of my own food, and I do not shop corporate groceries. The local is a regional store, and they buy their beef locally.

    Were it not for zoning, I'd probably keep chickens. Oh well..... in time, I'll be able to anyway.

  6. And so it frigging begins Tom: Thousands of fish found floating at MRGO - KNOE 8 News; KNOE-TV ...
    Aug 23, 2010... found Sunday afternoon at the mouth of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, or MRGO. He says between 5000 and 15000 dead fish were found. The species found dead included crabs, sting rays, eel, drum, speckled trout and red fish.

  7. Meat just taste like it used to.

  8. Sorry Put doesn't in there..Typing in an awkward position...

  9. I looked for video or anything other on that story Jim but didn't see anything. If anyone know of bloggers down there like us I'd like to know. Thanks

  10. Forgot to mention jeg with two compliments in a row that gets people a long way around here. Going to send that now along with others. Others will be in a small file.

    Soon a short film with these in because this cool place and want to share these. Golfed tonite-the weather is great. But it's coming anytime from now.

  11. Tom if you mean as far as survival, raising food, etc goes we have had numerous discussions and there are a couple dedicated here.
