
Dancing In The Streets Over Bush's Tax Cuts

Well not quite yet but there will be and it sure as hell won't be because they did not get extended.

Do actually think the dims will let them expire?

Here in Colorado you have this sheep herder Salazar saying "I just don't think you can raise taxes on anybody in this economy" I'm not even going to go there on just how dumb that is except to say this guy comes from one of the poorest county's in the state.

I read this and damn near upchucked but this is the best the left can do for us .

Bennet is the other Senator and what this means is the rich will prevail in this matter.

And that is the point. These tax cuts were never on the table and if you think that they are now and will be allowed expire well I'll try to be nice and just say you're fucking crazy.

These will expire at the same time Rove and all the others requested to testify before congress during Bush's reign show up and do so bringing the angry letters from Leahy along as well.


  1. My guess is that they will be extended for 2 years.
    The conserva-dems want to get more donations in order to get re-elected.
    The Big O will not have the support from his own party. That is IF he really is sincere about getting rid of the cuts.
    This will be another example of why this country is dysfunctional. These swine do what is needed to get re-elected not what is good for the country.

  2. Even the hard case tan man said he would pass just the middle class tax cuts if that is all he could get. They have to stop the breaks for the rich. After listening to all the details it makes no sense to extend them. You know they are not going to spend it that's why they're rich.

  3. The "hard case tan man" wants to get re-elected. He can say things like this knowing that the Senate "cabbage patch kid" will cover his butt and not let it happen, if he can.

  4. Thanks men!

    The bottom line is that I think when it's all over the rich will get more dollar for dollar than the little guy.

    Just think that in these times even considering giving massive amounts to the already wealthy shows where these dumb ass dims are.

    Salazar will not get my vote.
