
Sizzle Made It

Here's the cat named Sizzle found after the fire outside of Boulder.  Story Link  It's a good story.

He doesn't look too chipper here.

He looks better in this one and is the only animal not returned to the owner of over a hundred found.

Good kitty!


  1. That's a great picture up top. Good for sizzle! I was just telling trice it is sick what people do to cats. We feed feral cats and noticed a real wild one last night. We are strict with dogs but cats do what they want and people just throw them away.

  2. Poor kitty. Hopefully someone will claim him or they can find a home with loving owners.

  3. Hopefully, he's just surly due to the discomfort of the burns.

  4. If the owners don't come forward there will be a bunch who will want to give this cat a very good life.

    I wish I could move in too.

  5. Jim-that was one that was from fishing on Thursday. There were not many others. It's either fish or take pictures. Wish I could say I caught a bunch but I can't.

  6. Nice to see Sizzle getting love.
