
The US Is All Sorry Again

The U.S. apologized Wednesday for a recent helicopter attack that killed two Pakistani soldiers at an outpost near the Afghan border, saying American pilots mistook the soldiers for insurgents they were pursuing.

And this after a real quick investigation that indeed this did happen.

It's all good now and the hearts and minds I'm sure are back on board over there to get back to work on this terrorism thing.

I don't remember any apology's when our troops targeted anything that moved even with a white flag in Falloojeh. That was different ya know. Those women and Red Cross vehicles were those damn Iraqi insurgents and being human beings and innocent just don't mean squat in the big picture.

We do love ourselves plenty of blood and guts. Yessirree bobalooey!


  1. Seems like the Pakistani's have us right where they want us. They still won't open the Border and more than 80 supply trucks destroyed so far. I wish to God we could just come home and fight this so called terrorism from here.

  2. Me too my friend-we've always been on the same sane page together!

  3. I forgot to tell you I like the oak picture too!

  4. I didn't know whether to use that or not. Glad you liked that.
