
Are Ya Happy - Well Are Ya Dim?

We're talking the Dems who had the power to make a difference who chose instead to be nice rather than using a gun when needed to combat all the knives the right had at their disposal. Thanks a lot for the non-effort and for the rank and file of the left who thought these corporate dims on the left were the answer to this country's problems well cry cry cry!

And for all you joyous repug dumb fucks who are pissing their pants in glee - if you think the likes of these neanderthals you voted into office will bring the nirvana you think they will well you're fucking nuts.

The dark ages was a difficult place to live.

People in this country really are dumb. It's not all their fault but educated country's are laughing their asses off at us once again in just a few short years.

Bloggers on the left did our job quite nicely actually and I'm proud of the sites I link to who contributed so much to the discourse needed to have an intelligent conversation on topics of the day. We sure as hell didn't get that from the ones that needed to be saying it.

This question remains -will the Dim Senate do the same as what the repugs did the last two years and just say no to these crazy bastards just elected to the house. Chances are real good they will be happy to assist this slide into darkness.

Just look the fuck out my friends- we ain't seen nothing yet!


  1. thanks for this post...

    I think the Netroots and the NetLeft did far more for itself than any politician these last few months. It became VERY clear that if we wanted a real progressive movement, we're going to have to up and build, maintain and protect it ourselves.

    One Love, One Struggle,
    --the rev

  2. We did what we could and were told to shut the fuck up.

    Ya gets what ya asked for, ya dumb cock suckers.

    Hold on to yer ass and start stocking up.
    They are going to crash us into the ground, on purpose.

  3. Well said.
    Fasten your seat belts.
    The race to the bottom is now on mach speed.

    We deserve the best government that the Corps. can lease.

  4. Obama will compromise on the already compromised to shit but nothing of consequence will get done as Boehner will put forth shit Reid will not let through. The next two are going to be worse than the first two.

  5. Thanks men! Ya know we just got through eight years of the chimp and that was bad enough and now two years of this shit with a real mandate and now this. It really is hard to take. Like all of you I expect and I'm sure we'll see nothing but bad.

  6. We are in for a calamity of epic proportion. See what happens when the debt ceiling is to be raised.
