

Years ago if you spent a two year stint in the Peace Corps one of the few things given to you when you returned was what was called a "Readjustment Allowance". That was a check for $2,000 which wasn't much but a lot more than what it is now. I say and mean it totally although a bit in jest is that you never readjust no matter how many years go by.

After this 2200 mile jaunt of not paying any attention to media of any kind it becomes a mini adjustment for me. I glanced at the "news" this morning and of course it's the same old tired ass nonsense where we're not going anywhere close to today for sure and don't know when I will. There is snow on the ground here but not much and it's not that cold. It's good to be home and spring can't get here soon enough.

There are some pictures with the one today at the top from South Dakota. Drove mostly two lane and turned around - let's just say a lot. I'm real good at that. There are still a number of icons along Highway 30 across Nebraska from before I80 which will make an fun post I hope. So a few quick observations.

Wyoming doesn't change much.

Those damn hostiles.

Enjoyed the ride across southern South Dakota. What a place this must have been growing in times past for Native Americans. So much wildlife and in this case bird life. Turkeys all over the place and pheasants as well in some places. Some type of grouse too. Bunches of them

Like here.

Road kill the whole way. Skunks,coons and deer mostly. There are these small snow birds this time of year that  like to congregate on or near the road who take off into the wind. I wasn't the only one hitting them and even driving slower you still get them.

Iowa literally stunk. To be fair this time of year is when manure is spread and there is plenty of that. It also fair to say Iowa does stink year round and I did not see one hog. The poop business is huge. At times the stench can make you nauseous and that's a fact.

The farmers weren't bitching which is even bigger than huge. Life is good with $5.50 corn and $12.40 beans and help from the government makes it even better.

I got done what I wanted but after the end of the second day it became a job and I started back on the middle of the third. The ride back was not as good as the one out.

I didn't have time to go in and chat night before last in Grand Island. I was in a hurry to get that room in a real shit hole down the road a few. That was scary I tell you!



  1. Love your photos and commentary One Fly. You are a wonderful human being and I do adore you and your efforts to make this shithole we call earth a better place for those less fortunate than us. Bless you sweet man. ;)

  2. I gotta readjust my hat size. That was so kind Dusty-thank you!! Seldom do I receive compliments for anything except for here.

  3. Anyone that gives their time and personal life to do work in a third world country is a saint by my standards. ;)
