
There's A Manhunt Going On

With a posse looking for a trail-a big posse.

After four days of thoroughly searching Moab's backcountry, investigators have decided to "change the direction of the search," for a man charged with aggravated attempted murder.

First I hope the ranger who was shot three times by this guy recovers. I find this interesting because this fellow has been able to elude over a hundred men equipped with state of the art equipment plus he's been shot in the leg himself as he left a bunch of blood behind initially.

In the article another recent manhunt is mention that lasted four days as well in northern Arizona. A few years before that two guys killed a cop from Cortez,Co and made it to nearby Bluff, Utah where if I remember correctly split up. I believe after a day or so they ran one guy down who was killed and looked forever for the second but never found him. He was found by a sheep herder or rancher and had died outside in the elements fairly close to where they started looking for them both.

The weather has been brutal out there and I do not believe there are any roads or plausible way this fellow can get out of there as he is on foot and wounded. We'll see but you cannot survive out there winter summer or anytime if you are not prepared.

If he doesn't show up one way or the other shortly he will sometime in the future and he will not be looking good. It's old time outlaw days when it comes to modern day manhunts.

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