
Where's The Fish?

And this newspaper is oh so proud of this.

At one time this was one of the best papers in the nation with an array of award winning writers. To look at this paper today it is truly sad and a perfect example of where this industry has gone.

It's boring out there in the cornfields and if you don't hunt or fish you got god school and sports for the special kids. So many are hoping for the return to yester year when the go to thing was da mall not only on Saturday but Sunday too where mass quantities of junk were consumed because well ya know it was the Amerikan way. Not anymore and it ain't coming back.

I find this very disgusting.


  1. It's gonna get worse before it gets better...if it EVER does get better for the bottom 90% of us.

    As for newspapers...they are nothing like they used to be in ANY city, and I see them in LA, San Diego and of course my shithole of a Rethuglican city of Bakersfield. Good journalism costs money and just running ads MAKES money.

    Don't let the bastards get ya down and Enjoy the long weekend sweetie..hugs! ;)

  2. There was a time when the Sunday paper, or a special, was worth carting home a couple of extra pounds. Not anymore. Why should I pay for something that exists solely to host advertisements? When newspapers can answer that question, or make it irrelevant, they'll have found a way back to profitability.

  3. I doubt it Cujo-have a good Turkey day.
