
Just This Afternoon

The pictures were not very good either. Overcast with a bit of snow in the air. Still no good moose stuff. Eventually there will be some up close action with these guys. I do not tire of seeing these animals.

I just messed around with this one a bit and it's not too bad.


  1. Didn't know Colorado had Moose, just deer and elk. Beautiful animals.

  2. That picture did turn out nicely. The critter is in sharp focus.

  3. There's getting to be more all the time Patrick but for some reason I have not been in the right place at the right time. Actually that's not quite true as there's been a couple of decent opportunities but I screwed them both up.

    As in your post Cujo about the settings on your camera this I had to manipulate. It's tough with snow on the ground and a dark animal like this.

    I use ACD that came with my camera. With my second Pentax camera there was a new version of that which I did not like and put the old back in. It's quick and easy for me but like everything it's what you're familiar with.

    When you do the auto feature of that program just to see and nothing happens that's a sign you got something right and happens quite a bit. This was manually manipulated and there are many not very good ones taken this time of year.

    A picture blog for you when????
