
Hoser Mubarak Gone

At least that's the word on the street along with a question. Will the Tbaggers and Repuglicans leave their guns and threats of using them at home and take to the streets like the Egyptians and attempt to force our Muslim Socialist non American president out of office for the good of our god loving country??


  1. Not one gun was cocked.
    Not one bullet was fired.
    It was the soul and the spirit of the Egyptian people that brought this about.
    So who is more civilized.
    A bunch of Xtian, gun totin, insane ranting, ignorant, prejudice, tea baggers.
    Millions of democracy, truth seeking Muslims.

    I Americans listened more to their inner Self.
    Instead of the Corporate War Mongering media.
    We would all be better off.
    Today was a great day, not just for Egypt and the M/E.
    But for America as well.

  2. A rare thing a peaceful Revolution. It's going to be interesting to see which way it goes now. The people want Democracy but Ahmadinejad is pushing the Islamist cause.

    I was happy that as soon as Mubarak announced he was stepping down Switzerland announced they were freezing all his accounts his families and his proteges. Hopefully while he was stalling he wasn't securing it all.

  3. I'd like to see elections in six months or less monitored by the UN. The army could get that done. I think these people can keep this process moving as well.

  4. You may indeed call it a peaceful revolt with only 300 dead and 3000 injured.

    As or the future, since the USA has openly interfered and demanded MuBarak to step down, I hope she'll undertake the role of keeping the order and feeding the population. And, by the way, there's no such thing as democracy in an arab country.

  5. DUTA

    The U.S. has fed The Egyptian regime at the tone of 1.5 Billion a year.
    Just as we feed Israel 3 Billion a year.
    Israel is not a democracy either.
    It is a rogue, apartheid state, that we condone and tolerate.
    Iran had a freely elected leader in the name of Dr. Mossadegh.
    That is until we sponsored the coup to over throw him.
    And the West installed the Dictator Shah.
    The West has not wanted true democracy in the M/E.
    Their only goal is a status quo where the Israeli's can continue their ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.

  6. Reality, it's called Realpolitik and is used to justify thuggery, torture, and any other heinous act you can name. Henry Kissinger is the master of the art and should be tried, convicted, and hanged for his orchestration of human rights violations spanning decades. Yet, there he was sitting down recently with Obama to promote START. More evil than Dracula and apparently as long lived.

  7. Cletis
    My blood pressure spikes at the mention of Dr. Strangelove [Kissinger].
    I always keep him and his fellow travelers on my radar.
    Kissinger went to Russia right after the Big O came into office.
    Either he was sent by O, or he told O I am going.
    I believe it was the latter.
    He has also been slithering around in China. which seems to be his second home..
