
Lo Mein Friday In The Shop

I think this is the fourth time Chinese has been cooked here this winter. The first time did it in the lounge and even with a bunch of windows and the door open it only took a bit and it set the smoke alarm off and a cop and the fire dept. rolled in but not with lights going. We called right away and every one knew someone else or two. One of the fire guys had worked here and they all said it smelled real good.

In any case we made some lo mein today and it gets an 8.5 out of a possible 10 from me. This is probably the best video with the wok and the hi-def is a plus. Here's how I cook this dish. And I know every Chinese cook I've talked to tells me what they do and very seldom do you ever get the real thing. Mine isn't like theirs but it is better than most and that is a fact. Sometimes it's better than other times and once in a while it's the best ever. I know these guys are lying to me and are withholding an ingredient known only to some and not talked about in cookbooks. This wok is over 30 years old and a wild guess without thinking too hard I'd say there have been several thousand meals cooked with this along with other uses as well over those

Of course there is a mistake right out of the box but for the most part the mouth is kept closed.


  1. Man, I love Chinese, but I am terrible at cooking it. Kudos to ya :)

  2. What a yummy post! I wonder: Are the noodles linguine? Or are they something particular to the lo-mien?

  3. These are actually "Iron Man" Chinese style egg noodle. They are very good and cool in five minutes.

    I have used linguine just as much as any Chinese noodle. Most pasta works just fine but I prefer linguine.
