
Mayors Against Illegal Guns

 I don't have a problem with having a list of people who meet certain criteria being on a data base when if checked are denied if attempting to purchase a gun.

Another part of this is that anyone who purchases a gun has to have a background check. If I choose to sell one of mine well that's a different story. Obstacles yes but lets have that conversation.

Link to more info.


  1. Guns? What about the bullets?


  2. One Fly, I find myself in the same position as you - and I recognize that is hypocritical (do what I say, not what I do). I have sold several guns in my life, a couple to dealers and several to friends of long standing. The law in Iowa requires anyone buying a handgun (from any source) to have a county permit to purchase (not for long guns).
    That said, I don't have a problem with the "fix background checks" petition - and signed it. I still have some faith that the government isn't completely evil and set on a course to remove all my rights.
    As to the comment about bullets, I'd say if you go through the process of getting a "permit to purchase", that would be documentation enough to purchase ammunition. I wouldn't oppose having to show such for any ammo purchase.

  3. That was a great comment how you still have faith in guvmint that they're feel that not out to take all our rights. Me to.

    How the hell else is it going to get done. It's not working now as a lot of things aren't.
