
Montana & Idaho Guvs Say Screw You Bama

I just can't see these two rednecks doing this if the chimp was in office but that's neither here nor there. It's certain these two fucktards are saying fuck Obama in their own special folksy way the good old boys have of doing that. And yes Schweitzer is a Democrat.

Defying federal authority over gray wolves, Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer on Wednesday encouraged ranchers to kill wolves that prey on their livestock - even in areas where that is not currently allowed

"We will take action in Montana on our own," he said. "We've had it with Washington, D.C., with Congress just yipping about it, with (the Department of) Interior just vacillating about it."

That follows a similar show of defiance from Idaho's Republican governor, C.L. "Butch" Otter. Otter said in the fall that Idaho Fish and Game agents would no longer participate in wolf management efforts, including shooting investigations. The move forced federal officials to step in to enforce restrictions on killing the animals.

Robert Fanning, who heads a group that advocates protecting elk herds around Yellowstone National Park from wolves, sent out an e-mail urging Montana residents to "lock and load and saddle up while there is still snow on the ground."

You betcha those gun analogy's some love to use and when they do you can be sure something is gonna get shot and probably more than once.  

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