
This Is Not A Fake

Note: This is not my video.

Yes look at the sky a bunch and actually captured an object on video last weekend  that was unusual in the sense it was during daytime. Yes on occasion look at video of objects in the air but by far the most are just not very good or leave many questions.

Not this one. When I saw it the first time long ago actually thought it was going to keep going. If you were to slow this video down to just before the first impact you can see the attitude of the object changes. That was manipulation. That did not happen before the second impact and the angle was too great and it was destroyed. This object flies behind roadside poles and kicks up dust at impact. It looks like it's in the southwest and yes I hope to get around Area 51 sometime and look into the night sky.


  1. Whoooaa. way cool. what think ye? Alien adolescents on the lam? Seriously, it looks Veeery interesting...

  2. Or alien adolescents texting while driving.

  3. Where was this taken? Utah?

    Did you see where it came from, before you started filming it?

  4. No it's not mine. it's been long enough where's something in better quality for once. There's one from a helicopter around the Trade Centers and the reaction of this women makes it seem very real when an object is seen.

    I just get a kick outta shit like this but think the attitude change is significant. Maybe it big kids on the ground who can't drive worth shit.
