
12 Year Old Killer's Brother Doesn't Have A Clue

An neither do most others who say this and say that about how good and decent the family was and that it's such a shock. I agree it's a shock and I feel for community and the remaining family members who are still alive.

So the brother and an uncle were on CNN last night and I'm sure the script was the same as the linked to article that hands up in the air asking how and ignoring the one denominator of many of these types of killings. You mind screwed these kids with religion and it backfired. So whore national news will do it's share in continuing the myth that believers just can't do things like this. What a bunch of bull shit!

I will try to watch this clip tonight and I will not be wrong that religion will not be discussed as to one of the possible reasons this young man felt the need to kill his family in such "a strong christian house".

UPDATE:  Just saw the clip maybe five minutes long. Not an inkling of religion anywhere to be had. Initial articles were strong on just that. Nobody knew nuthin about any guns even though the father was a former deputy. This dog just got a bone.


  1. "...strong Christian house" All I can envision are scenes fromm the movie "Carrie". Those are easily three of the most frightening words ever strung together.

  2. The clip of these two Cletis was so poor. "Well how did you feel when you learned what happened"? That kind of crap.

    You can damn well bet family members know there's more to the story and it's religion that's a major player in this.

    None of these people is going to cast a shadow on their religious nuttery. It's just that simple.

  3. Another beautiful photo in the header. Glad to see your solidarity and union images up. I try to keep my eye on the big picture and not let some of these sad stories of family dysfunction distract me. Peace.

  4. Thanks Billie! Girls seem to be better at that than guys. I hope in the near future to physically participate in more protest activities as you do. I'll have time on my hands.
