
16 Year Old Kills Grandparents

This is the second time in less than a month a teenager has murdered family members on the eastern plains of Colorado. It's not official but he did it no question.

So far religion has not been mentioned and I don't think it plays a role this time. There was a huge sum of money in the pickup this kid crashed. Teenagers killing family members not once but twice in the span of one month in the same area doesn't add up. What the hell is going on out there??


  1. How bad was his home life that his 80 something great-grandparents had temp. custody? Too many kids out there that are very angry. For some, violence becomes a way of life. Beyond sad and troubling.

  2. Plenty of blame can be thrown around in these cases for sure. And this is out in the middle of nowhere and I also understand there isn't a nowhere anymore.

    I think it's also fair to say it will not get better anytime soon.

  3. http://newsdeskinternational.wordpress.com/2011/03/24/kentucky-teen-kills-guardians/ Another case fro KY, my home. Evil is sometimes just evil.

  4. Probably a combination of nothing behind you, nothing to look forward to, and a ready supply of weapons.

  5. Real special Cletis and it seems this time the kid got pretty much whatever he wanted and it still wasn't good enough.
