
Cornfield Guv Says Not Me Not Me

Iowa lawmakers are considering creation of a new board to better enforce Iowa's open records and meetings laws to ensure corn fielders get the government they voted for I guess. B b b b but some are confused on the guv's position with this. Why expect anything different from these people. This is what they are. This is what they do and this is what you get when radical religious crazy's who do not believe in science and mathematics get voted into office. You stupids you!

Gov. Terry Branstad's spokesman, Tim Albrecht, said Wednesday that the governor - who has pledged his administration will operate with transparency and openness - supports creation of the enforcement board. But Branstad would drop that support if the board's oversight extends to him.

1 comment:

  1. Of course. They are absolute rulers, not bound by the petty regulations applied to pissants.
