
It's Like This

Never looked at the news from the internets or on the tube for several days so it's just about like usual in the sense that I don't know shit cept for we are shooting in another country but we can't do anything to assist in a country in Africa that is out of control as well. Escalated in Afghanistan and found another to go kill in. Thanks for that bama. 

Didn't play much and basically worked and used muscles that were lazy to say the least and was stiffer than shit on Saturday but it got better of course. It will be a very busy summer for me as there is a fair amount of work to be done on two houses we are working on.

There is a hint of green in south central Colorado but it is very dry. Here are several pictures that were in the camera.


  1. See what happens when you go outta town? Another war erupts. I feel the same, why aren't we helping the people of Africa who are being killed by their fellow countrymen and have been for a very long time? Anyone who believes Libya is, in any way, a humanitarian effort is purely delusional. But, the delusional like being so. They're not about to give it up easily. Or without a fight, apparently. Nice photos. Like the header: Little Outhouse on the Prairie.

  2. That is an excellent and fun comment as well. Thank you for that T.

  3. Now thats a good lookin black lab!

  4. Yes he is. His looks make up for his lack of brains.

  5. I prefer the company of my German Shepherd to most people. At least I don't have to listen to her repeat some lie FOX "News" promotes like it's the gospel truth.
