
It's That Time Once Again

Because of a comment left by Fearguth about how humans are the only animals that treat other humans so terribly it's time to reinforce for myself and anyone else who views just who we are and why. I like to look at this every once in a while because it is sooo good and so very true. If you have never seen this it's a must watch. And for all humans as well in particular powerful ones don't forget we're all nothing more than piss ants in time.


  1. Superb, One Fly! I had not seen this before.

  2. Then it was worth putting it up and I bet you'll not forget it any time soon.

  3. Yea, thanks! I have a link in my sidebar, but THAT has gotten so long I doubt if anyone scrolls through it anymore!
    ALSO, I wanted to hip you to
    My wife is really enjoying this, I thought you may find if of interest.

  4. This is wonderful but this is far more earth shattering, so to speak. Things are not what they seem, my brothers. If I were king, all first grade kids would begin their education with the Double Slit Experiment. It changes everything. http://www.cosmolearning.com/videos/double-slit-experiment-animation/

  5. Forgot this: "Man is the only animal that blushes - or needs to."

    Mark Twain

  6. Thanks everyone and I watched that Cletis and am more confused than before. kinda.
