
Pentagon Says - - -

Whether these numbers are correct or not I'm unsure but every dollar is too much.

The United States has spent $550 million so far on military operations in Libya, but expects costs to stabilize at $40 million per month

military operations in Libya were not expected to have a material effect on U.S. defense stocks

Callan said he did not expect the military action in Libya to disrupt Pentagon spending for procurement or research and development, but he also did not see it generating enough replacement orders for equipment to have U.S. defense company earnings.

What I do believe are these two things.

Defense analyst Loren Thompson at the Virginia-based Lexington Institute said the actual amount being spent was much higher, after factoring in the cost of maintaining forces that could be deployed on a moment's notice.

"So what looks like an inexpensive military operation in Libya is actually costing taxpayers about $2 billion per day, because that's what the Pentagon and other security agencies of the federal government spend to maintain a posture that allows the military to go anywhere and do anything on short notice," he wrote in a blog on the Forbes.com website.


  1. Don't worry, the Chinese will lend us more money, right?

  2. The new amerikan way I guess.

  3. I say we try the Teabagger way and cut some more taxes to pay for the war.

  4. My sign in word is "shist". That will suffice for my comment. Beautiful photo by the way.
