
Rich Pricks Are Special

And so are their special rich prick kids who need protection from words in print. I refuse to link to this piece of shit local paper so here's what it's about.

Several city planning commissioners showed support Thursday evening for restricting print advertising for medical marijuana centers

“I just don’t like the impression that the print advertising is giving the youth in this community on marijuana in general,”

“I’d personally feel comfortable banning it altogether in print.”

Many in this state can not stand it that people who by law are entitled to purchase this medicine do so and actually apply it,eat it or smoke it.This shit is just not stopping. Dumb ass dims in the state house are supporting a very unrealistic number for driving under the influence of pot. The badges love it so that is reason enough to know it's a bad number.

I despise assholes like this and anyone who attempts to make others live in their bizarre world of fear,sky fairy's and never ending war and intolerance towards others. It's all wrapped up together.


  1. Hear hear!

    The sky fairy, finger snapper is sad.

    Thanks for the expose!


    I despise assholes like this and anyone who attempts to make others live in their bizarre world of fear,sky fairy's and never ending war and intolerance towards others. It's all wrapped up together.

  2. To watch as someone you love, who can't eat because of chemo/radiation and not be able to give them the comfort of anything they would want is unspeakable and simply inhumane. Lost my husband in 99. Idiots, such as these, didn't even come to mind...I did what I had to do to give my husband some kind of comfort. May the city planning commissioners never be forced to choose between their fears and compassion for a person they love. I'm glad they're comfortable banning information...??? I wish I could bob my head, as my granddaughter does when she says, "whatever"...

  3. dang...you got my blood boiling today. I want to also mention that I'm sure their decisions are supported by pharmaceutical companies. I can remember paying (not covered by our insurance) close to $400 per pill for an anti nausea pill. He needed two a week... Double humpf!!! I need to go meditate! ooommmmm.....

  4. Thank you girls. I'm so tired of others attempting and lately much of the time getting their way in how we live our lives. Lives with criteria that only they have a say in. Throw in the non-existent sky fairy (I like that)and it becomes unbearable for me to even contemplate that people would do that to others. But this is the new Amerika.

    When I get my mind right there are a couple other items I need to touch on that emanate from those who are supposed to be on our side.

  5. On a pain scale, I'm about an 8.
    I wish I could get some relief other than the 20 pills I have to take each day. Ahh NY, ass backwards.
