
Vegas Underground People

This is something else. You do what you gotta do but this is not a pretty sight and people die living in these places from flash flooding plus other things. What used to be the richest country in the world and in one of the wealthiest cities. The Empire is in decline.


  1. Christ, it makes me sob to see this kinda shit OF. But we have to remember this is the era of "I got mine fuck the rest of you".

    Whole families are living like this..and yet..it continues unabated. When the bodies wash up, what will the idiots that voted in the R's say to their children? How will they explain good families living like this? Sickening..so fucking sickening.

  2. Dusty, you summed it up pretty good.
    The right couldn't care less.

  3. Yes you did Dusty and Tim is right on as well. What kills me is how the things that are being cut are being supported by the very ones who need it the most. I'm to the point I can't monetarily help anyone anymore because I need every little bit I have and that's the truth.

  4. Since I lost half my income when I blew out my back, I have little to offer either, which makes me even sadder.
