
It Got Loose Somehow

It's true and let's be clear with the bitching and moaning that goes on here about the shitty weather the last seven weeks and I do mean shitty! No one has been hurt period as many have around the country. It's human nature to bitch about the weather and if you come from a cornfield bottom line there's gonna be talk about the weather and a bunch too. Just the way it is. Our flooding is coming and what's left to determine is how bad it will it be. The weather will determine that ya see.

Having said that yesterday was a real pisser. It sucked but today  - yes today the sun returned after four days of real ugly and crappy. YES!

Taken just a bit ago this is the Yampa River one that will flood. Historically this has not flooded here but we also have historical numbers of snow as well.

I'm going for a ride and look around. Have a good one everybody.


  1. Love that gate with all the greenery. And a river beyond. An impending flood doesn't sound good. I hope it doesn't damage that beautiful scene and others like it.

    I have to say that is a stunning photo in your header. I have a suspicion it's along the PCH, which is a place I've never been, but hope to remedy that one of these days.

  2. That's actually city property behind that gate. Maybe one very good reason there will never be spec houses built here as the rich don't like to share and they can't own the river front. Fine by me.

    It is the PCH Teresa. My first time and of course there was no time to explore. I'd like to do it again but I bet it won't happen. Maybe though. It's fun damn it and you'll have a blast if you get there. Hope you do.

  3. I certainly hope you keep your feet dry - other than the "on purpose" times when trout fishing. And I hope you keep "flash floods" in mind while you're knocking about . . .

  4. I will jeg and this is one place it can flash flood for sure and does on a regular basis.

    Trout?? What's that. It'll be the end of June at least before there's a chance of catching anything in these rivers.
