
And The Answer Is

We just took delivery of five new mowers. These are specialized to cut grass on a golf green and are designed to mow at very low heights. We mow ours at .125 which is 1/8th of an inch. These have yet to be used. What do you think one costs?

Here's another view.
With a corporate discount of 25% each mower carry's a price tag of $7500. One of the reasons the game of golf is not cheap to play except for the better off.


  1. Wow, one of my cars cost that much.

  2. Hi Andy, I hear that and up until a year ago I drove 3-4K Subys. These prices are going to increase even more dramatically in 2013 when new emission standards come into effect.

    This business needs more simplicity but it's not going that way.

  3. Looks like they'd be fun to operate.

  4. They are Patrick and if the operator gives a shit one can get quite a bit of satisfaction when you're finished mowing a green and it looks sooo good.

    Just a simple thing can be very rewarding.

    They cost a lot of money so they should work real good!

  5. 1 day, I'll challenge you to a straight line contest! It'll be left vs. right, won't that be hot.

  6. but you're at such a disadvantage cuz you can't see too good these days.
