
Another View

This short film done by one of the few friends I have left using the same videos but different as it's set to music as well. It's about when we revisited the Outlook Ruin from the back side. I put this up today because I wish I was there or some place like it right now instead of going out the door in a few seconds to go to work.


  1. So, have you started the countdown yet? The end must be on the horizon....

    I see the aliens in the park are back.... Nice photo.

  2. Let's say the clock is ticking. I am worried for several reasons. This should be a fun part of my life but for a couple reasons it is not right now.

    Those are just fun to take pictures of and they less than a hundred yards away.

    I have some kind of decent pictures to put up but I'm getting run down. That always happens this time of year to all of us.

  3. Hang in there... Best thoughts, T
