
Bad Soil -Long Winters And Wooden Boxes

Make for these impressions in the ground. I have been here several times before but not to this part of the cemetery. I was surprised at all the sunken graves. This cemetery is huge and strange in many ways. The picture at the beginning show the names of three children buried at different times in the same grave apparently. Life was worse than tough in these mining towns and camps in the Rocky Mountains.

Here's the picture so you can read it a bit better.


  1. I love walking through old cemeteries, looking at the gravestones. They tell stories.... The loss many parents endured is hard to grasp. Somehow, burying one's children together in some fashion seems like the right thing to do, although I don't recall ever seeing that in a cemetery, either.

  2. I suppose you had to pay for a plot and I think this is the "poor" part of the cemetery. Many of those towards the front are surrounded with wrought iron fencing.

    So many kids didn't make it back then as shown with the ages of these kids on the headstone.

    In some ways this reminded me of the catholic basilica in DC where they have an example of the catacombs in their basement. I remember saying at 10 or 11 that normal people don't do this kind of crap.

  3. I was sitting in the St. Francis Cathedral in Santa Fe many years ago when I heard that the former bishops, dead of course, were buried in "the basement." I thought it a bit weird, too. What are they being protected from? What kind of an advantage do they think that gives them? LOL Anyway, your last statement could apply in many areas.

  4. There seem to be more trees than graves here. Pity there isn't an authority that would take the initiative to do some improvements of the place. It's a matter of honoring both the dead and the living.

  5. I think catholics do this to play mind games as they always do. This game is geared more to the older set rather than the general mind screwing of the little ones.

    Duta there's no money for this type of thing. The Empire is in severe decline the result of wars for lies and give aways to the bankers and the top 1% of our population. Stuff like that. School districts all over the nation have cut hundreds of millions. We're to the point of not being able to educate our children but always find plenty for missiles and bullets.
