
bama- A Cheap Whore For The Repugs

You asshole. What this man is saying is that we have to give up even more with Medicare and Medicaid.

But Obama said both parties must be prepared to "take on their sacred cows" as part of the deficit-reduction negotiations.

And then the man throws out a joke. An inside joke to the repugs and a slap in the face to you and I.

In a blunt challenge to Republicans in Congress, President Barack Obama insisted Wednesday that limiting selected tax breaks for oil companies and the super-wealthy must be part of any deficit reduction plan.

Like that's gonna happen my ass.

The very idea that this man even suggests cuts in these programs to further a right wing agenda is enough to ride this man outta town on a rail. He will never get a vote from me. That will not happen.

No matter what comes out of this man's mouth when you say shit like this you are no friend of the working man and the middle class.


  1. I would expect that Obama will cave he usually does but in a perfect world everyone must sacrifice some.

    If we have to, fine but so must the wealthy and all the corporations receiving big tax breaks not just oil companies.

    It should be heralded for everyone against sacrificial equality and loud and publicly so they can be held accountable.

  2. And that's exactly my point Jim. They won't because that's the way things are now. The middle class is going to carry the burden. The rich and the corporations are not going to carry their load. Just not going to be. And the sheep bleet for more of the same.

  3. And the sheep bleet for more of the same. For me,the Corporate Media downplays so much of the fuckery Obama pulls, or they elevate it w/a little help from the R's who distort so badly most intelligent folk know it's shit but they don't find out the truth...which is: Obama is a lousy fucking negotiator or a Corp Whore.

  4. Dusty-I put this up and then took it down for awhile because I thought it was too harsh. Then I thought about the fact that this man offered up exactly what the repugs want and said bullshit!

    All niceness goes off the table when things like this happen. I don't give a shit if it was the Queen of Egypt she'd get it too.
