
High Water Is Getting Higher

Peak is not supposed to come until the weekend. Already one record has been broken. This video is illustrative only. Ah but the sun is out.

I did this in a huge hurry this morning and there are big mistakes but you'll get the idea.

Plus we got frost as well.


  1. Wow. It illustrated it perfectly. That water moving fast, just beyond the green area that's becoming a temporary wetland, tells the tale. It's a story that hasn't generated enough fear and excitement for the media to grab onto, but the flooding continues all along the Miss. and now this, too, which could get rough.

    I LOVE that header photo. What a fab place to live.

  2. Nobody will be hurt here and property damage will be minimal and the reality is this is nothing compared to so many others.

    I like that place as well. It's just outside of Hayden,CO.

  3. Fly, this reminds me of the creeks of my childhood home in the glorious Appalachians. All that power channeled through a narrow place. Looney Creek and Clover Lick were my favorite places.

  4. Those are some great names!
